📥Execute a transaction

Executing a transaction is possible after all multisig signers have signed off on the transaction.

Step 1: Click on a transaction that's ready to be executed.

Once you have collected all the signatures required, you are ready to execute a transaction anytime.

Step 2: Choose a wallet to execute this transaction

You can use any wallet that you have imported previously to execute this transaction.

Select a gas fee category (Slow, Standard, Fast or Custom) and Click "Execute".

Step 2a: Execute a transaction with imported wallet (via secret recovery phrase or private key)

If it's a wallet imported using secret recovery phrase or private key, the following screen will be shown:

Step 2b: Execute a transaction with a Ledger wallet

If the executing wallet is a wallet imported from Ledger, unlock your Ledger, review transaction and sign on the device while the following screen shows up:

Step 2c: Execute a transaction with a Trezor wallet

If the executing wallet is a wallet imported from Trezor, choose your Trezor device and click "Pair device" and follow the prompt to grant permission.

Unlock and sign on your Trezor while the following screen show up on Nest Wallet extension.

Step 3: Transaction executed successfully!

Please wait for a few seconds till this transaction is successfully executed.

Last updated