🖋️Sign a transaction

Sign a transaction in just a few steps from the Nest Wallet extension.

Step 1: Click on a pending transaction

You can find a pending transaction in a few ways:

  • From Notifications, click on a pending transaction to review and sign.

  • From the Wallet home page, click on pending proposal to see all pending transactions in the queue.

Step 2: Choose a signer wallet

Step 3a: Sign a transaction with imported wallet (via secret recovery phrase or private key)

Confirm your password that you set when imported the signer wallet and click "Sign"

Step 3b: Sign a transaction with a Ledger wallet

Choose a Ledger wallet that you have imported, unlock your ledger and click "Sign"

Please confirm this transaction on your Ledger while the following screen show up on Nest Wallet extension.

Step 3c: Sign a transaction with a Trezor wallet

Choose a Trezor wallet that you have imported and click "Sign"

Choose your Trezor device and click "Pair device" and follow the prompt to grant permission.

Confirm this transaction on your Trezor while the following screen show up on Nest Wallet extension.

Step 4: Transaction signed successfully!

Please wait for a few seconds till this transaction is successfully signed.

Last updated